
别名:The Nude Vampire



类型:恐怖 恐怖片 法国 1970




One night on a deserted street, Pierre (Olivier Martin of Rollin's LA VIOL DU VAMPIRE) runs into a scantily clad mute young woman (Caroline Cartier) who is being pursued by men in tuxedos and bizarre animal masks who kidnap her and take her back to a townhouse that belongs to Pierre's father, industrialist Georges Radamante (Maurice Lemaître) who warns Pierre to mind his own business. Pierre sneaks into the townhouse for one of his father's parties and witnesses a woman playing Russian Roulette shoot herself and the mute young woman drinks her blood. Pierre delves deeper into the mystery and has to fight off his own father's thugs while Georges and his associates squirrel the young woman off to an isolated country house. Pierre then meets the Grandmaster (Michel Delahaye) of a large group of bizarre looking and acting hippies - of whom the young woman is one of their number - who lay siege to the country house with his help to rescue the girl who it turns out has an unusual connection to Pierre. Rollin's exploitation films could be seen as the link between the "traditional" French New Wave and the works of the more experimental Alain Robbe-Grillet (whose LA BELLE CAPTIVE quotes images from the later half of this film) with its surrealist-on-the-cheap touches and decadent Russian Roulette-playing upper class versus communal vampire hippies plot. Not as explicitly erotic as Rollin's later films - like LA VIOL DU VAMPIRE, LA VAMPIRE NUE still uses nudity as a teasing element - this is still quintessential Jean Rollin in its triumph of imagination over budgetary limitations.


四条鱼发表了评价:一部给文艺青年看的吸血鬼恐怖片,情节晦涩难懂,应需要一定的宗教基础,情色方面等于或逊于90年代香港恐怖三级片程度,做A片看的机会不存在。【2018-05-01 11:28:25】
梵高先生发表了评价:这个吸血鬼片子不落窠臼 很有大卫林奇的风格 那些动物面具很让人着迷【2012-02-28 21:27:55】
8923发表了评价:一辈子可以重复拍一部电影,就很羡慕【2023-04-14 17:12:09】
悟空休得胡言发表了评价:看不懂要表达的意思,估计是给有点妄想症的艺术青年看的,猥琐男也看不到想要的情色画面。【2012-02-17 02:07:13】
langcazhe发表了评价:一讲宗教历史吸血鬼我就看不懂。。。再见。。。【2012-09-28 16:42:49】
兩隻左腳发表了评价:概念还算有意思,美术也还可以,但是其他方面差得一塌糊涂。【2022-05-12 04:01:33】

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